Select Boxes and their sizes


Hi,<br />
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I'm having problems getting the sizes of my <select> boxes just right. I'm using stylesheets, on IE...<br />
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Code is something like this:<br />
<br />
<style> .box { font-size : 12; height : auto; } </style><br />
<br />
...<br />
<br />
<select class="box" ...><br />
<br />
I can only get two different sizes. The size that seems normal at (but is too big for me) and something that is smaller, but too small. I can't get anything in between no matter how I try to mess with the font-size. Setting height at different values on px also doesn't do anything for me.<br />
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Am I missing something?<br />
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Thank you,<br />
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Yoni<!--content-->if you want the height then I think it is "size" you have to use.<br />
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<style> .box { font-size : 12; size : 3; } </style><!--content-->Hi,<br />
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I tried adding the size attribute to the style block, but it didn't do anything. I don't think there is one called "size". If you meant to tell me to add "size=3" inside the select tag, that's also not what I'm looking for. That would give me three rows.<br />
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If anybody else can get me the answer, I would appreciate it.<br />
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Thanks,<br />
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Yoni<!--content-->rows and height are the samething.<br />
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are you looking for the width instead? all you can do it go down or across, you can't make it bigger then the OS will let you.<!--content-->I can only get the boxes to display their values in two fonts. Something around 7 or 8, and another around maybe 12 or 13. I'd like to display a font size of say, 10, but it will only display one of the other two sizes, either too big or too small.<!--content-->so you want the font size to be 10 and not the size of the box?<br />
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do you have some code to look at?<br />
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<style> .box { font-size : 10px; } </style><br />
<br />
but if you don't use anything for the font size the browser default is 10px<!--content-->_________________________________________________<br />
<style type="text/css"><br />
.box {<br />
font-size : 13px;<br />
}<br />
</style><br />
<br />
...<br />
<br />
<select size ='1' class='box' ...>...</select><br />
_________________________________________________<br />
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This is pretty much the code I'm using.<br />
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What happens is that at a px 13 and higher, my boxes are too big, and at 12, they are much too small. In fact, they're at that same size when I set font-size to 7px.<br />
If the larger box is around 13px, and the smaller box is around 7px, what I'm going for is at maybe 10px, and I just can't get the box to be that value for some reason.<br />
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Thanks again,<br />
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Yoni<!--content-->ok a lot can effect the select box. check you browser settings for font control, biew -> text size<br />
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that is one area. the select box is actually controlled by the users OS and so you have to compinsate for their font settings.<br />
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but if you don't set a font what does it look like? do you have a test for us to look at ?<!--content-->You can go here to take a look.<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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Right now, the box class has no px setting. The text boxes are too big this way.<br />
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Also, when I change the settings of text-size in my browser, the select boxes aren't affected.<!--content-->ok look at this<br />
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what I think you need is the font-family: in the style tags.<br />
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generally this is how it is suppose to be but without making sure you needed it I had to check. font styles usually go in pairs or more.<br />
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I used this<br />
<br />
.box1 {<br />
font-family: arial,"ms san serif", verdana,tahoma,helvetica;<br />
font-size: 10px;<br />
}<!--content-->Perfect.<br />
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Thanks Scoutt<!--content-->