Seeking Excellent Hosting Company


Staff member
Hi all,

Well it's time for me to change hosting companies again & I need a referral.

I have several things I need which I'll list right here & of course I need a company that doesn't have an issue with my adult sites...

Thanks so much & take care



Apache Server
dedicated IP
PHP (what version)
SSL - I have one
Stat program that I don't have to pay for. Would love Urchin, but I know it's rare.
Min. 25 domains
Min. 10-15 DBs
Min. 150 mailboxes
Min. 1 GB Disk usage
Min. 20 GB traffic
Anti Spam - which one? Spam Assasin does cause problems not allowing people on my whitelist to show up as regular e-mail
Auto responders
A panel that controls all my domains in one area - I'm used to HSphere, although I know CPanel is more popular (panel needs to have auto responders that can send out files/attachments, I need to be able to set up forwarding for e-mail so I can have a copy sent to me, can p/w protect certain folders on my server usually this is done thru File Manager, can add FTP users, domains & e-mails easily.)
Fantastico - isn't crucial
Great tech support that gets back asap (24/7), knows & understands the English language & their job.
Great customer service
No setup fee
Someone to move everything over for me