Hi all..Just thought I would let you in on some guy spamming my Email with fictious offers on domain names..First I get this Email.. Two days after the domain was registered..Hello,Please send me price for your domain.We are very interested in this name.Did you get offers from other people already?Our company develops client-server systems ( MS SQL/ Visual C++ ), so investingin domain names is not my main business.Looking forward to do business with you.Best regards,Koichi Nakagami, Ph. D.PresidentOpera Systems Ltd.============================================================================NOTICE - This communication may contain confidential and privilegedinformation that is for the sole use of the intended recipient. Anyviewing, copying or distribution of, or reliance on this message byunintended recipients is strictly prohibited. If you have received thismessage in error, please notify us immediately by replying to the messageand deleting it from your computer.===========================================================================So I reply to the guy.. Asking how he got my Email and how come he was interested in this particular name (it was abscur).. I gave him a wild price of 500鈧?. So he writes this back ... 500. Ok.Do you sell a web site or just the name? We are mostly interested in domainnames.Do you have an appraisal certificate?Domain name is an investment for me. In other words I'm going to sell yourname later and make a profit. If I overpay I won't be able to make a profitin the future. It's very important for you and me to know the current marketvalue of your domain.Of course, we must be sure that you are engaging a reputable appraisalcompany. I heard many appraisal companies often made inaccurate appraisals.I will only accept appraisals from independent sources I know and trust.To avoid mistakes I asked domain experts about reputable appraisal companiesin a <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="forumhttp://domaintalk.ourplace.com/Archive/75039.htmJuck">forumhttp://domaintalk.ourplace.com/Arc ... 39.htmJuck</a><!-- m --> check this posting.If the appraisal comes higher you can adjust your asking price accordingly.I also hope you can give me 10% - 15% discount of the appraised value.After I get an appraisal from you we'll continue our negotiations.How do you prefer to get paid: <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.escrow.com">www.escrow.com</a><!-- w -->, <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.PayPal.com">www.PayPal.com</a><!-- w --> check orwire?Hope we can come to an agreement fast.Looking forward to your reply.I sent him this reply.. He dident answer for some reason
...Hi Koichi Nakagami, Ph. D.I had a look at the forum thread you posted for me. I can hear from your letter that you are new in this business and I will try and help you out.First off let me tell you that the advice you received in the forum is totally wrong. This is probably due to it being a small and dubious forum. These people dont know anything.I have had personal dealings with somebody affiliated with both <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://alldomains.com">http://alldomains.com</a><!-- m --> and <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.GreatDomains.com.">http://www.GreatDomains.com.</a><!-- m -->. These people actually do whois searches and spam domain owners with veiled proposals for domain appraisals. + they think people are morons, which actually kinda reflects back at them..!Secondly I can tell you I allready have a proffesional appraisal for obscuredomainname.info. This is not the kind of hack job you would get from the scammers at alldomains, this is the REAL DEAL! And let me tell you are going to get more than 10 - 15% discount.. If I sell it to you for 500鈧?you will get a domain that had an estimated actual value of $9,842.00 !!! Imagine what you could resell this domain for!! What a deal huh?Have a look at these sample stats from the actual appraisalobscuredomainname.infoCombined Value Score: 81Top Level Domain Score: 3Unwanted Characters Score: 10Dictionary Word Score: 50Length Score: 8Archive.org Score: 0Google Search Results: 5Yahoo Search Results: 8MSN Search Results: 1Search Engine Score: 10I am really not sure if I want to part with this domain.. But if you paypal me 500鈧?with in the next 60 minutes I will come to my senses..My Paypal is :[email protected] be very carefull when entering the Email adress in the payee field, Else you might send the money to someone completely different..All the bestPromo