Running SP seperately then the web site


HI all,

I got a big sp that i have to run that take up to hours. I need is to find a way to run a sp beside doing
Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand
Dim Dr As OleDbDataReader
Dim Conn As OleDbConnection
sSQL = "exec Import_Process_DataEntry_RO " & Session("opid")
cmd = New OleDb.OleDbCommand(sSQL, Conn)

and it times out and crashes the web site. It looks like it does go on running the sp but im not really sure if its right. or not
I can build my own tracking mechanizm just using track tables and stuff but i do need it to run by it self. so the page wont time out. Is this possible thank you.If you are using MsSQL server, there is a scheduling mechanism called Data Transformation Services. You can schedule SQL commands to run at regular intervals from there.

You say the SP takes hours to run. If you haven't done so already, I'd look into optimizing it.Thanks for the response.

Few things yes i am using mssql server 7.0 .
And the jobs are ran on big databases around 7 mil. on one table to be join to a 70 mil. records. So it is something thats going to take time how ever its optimized.

and schedule wont work i need this to run when its called from the web page. :confused: :( :eek:
If any one knows how to do this please help.