Root Admin Equals 0


Ok a couple weeks ago i was messing around with my forums myself and my partner were making new groups and titles...and i moved the only name in root admin to another section . I never gave it a second thought, but recently i went into my forums admin CP again and click on several things and i receive the error stating that i am restricted from accessing these features because only the members of the root admin group can. When i tried to move my admin member name back into root admin it told me that only a root admin can make this change. So my question is...if there is anyway to get myself back into the root admin group or to fix it? i hope this makes some sense if not please let me know that it sound slike jibberish and i will try to better explain. i have version 1.31 final of the invision board that use to be offered with this service.<!--content-->
This sounds like a situation for the Tech's. Use the help desk link above and they should be able to square you away.<!--content-->
The only way I can think of it to manually change the value in your database, using php myadmin. Someone else may be along shortly with a better idea though.<!--content-->
Moving for better ecposure and organization.<!--content-->