Right aligning a div


New Member
I am trying to align a div to the right but its only showing towards the bottom.IssueCSS:\[code\].homeWrapper{ padding: 12px; width:auto;}.content_inner{ height: auto; background-color: #6c93b8; margin:12px; -moz-border-radius:5px; -webkit-border-radius:5px; border-radius:5px; clear:both;}.leftCol{ display: inline-block; width:448px; background-color: red;}.rightCol{ display: inline-block; width:430px; background-color: green; clear:both;}\[/code\]HTML:\[code\] <div class="homeWrapper"> <div class="content_inner"> <h1><span class="color_red">Contact</span> Agrilife</h1> <div class="leftCol"> {{ template:body }} </div> <div class="rightCol"> text text text </div> </div> </div> \[/code\]