[Resolved] Password Function


Staff member
Hello All,

I am developing an intranet site, and storing usernames and passwords in a database. I am using the password function to encrypt the passords in the table.

When I try to verify the username and password using a select statement:

select username, password from tablename where username = 'theirname' and password = password('what they typed');

I get an empty set, so I tried this:

select username, password('what they typed') as p1, password from tablename where username = 'theirname';

This worked, or so I thought:

username p1 password
theirname 19a455g8ac56c6af 19a455g8ac56

notice the difference between the p1 and password fields. No matter what I do, the submitted word is always longer. I have run this code through stripslashes() and it is still the same thing.

Based on the above, the following will never test true:

if ($row["p1"] == $row["password"]
echo "passwords match!";

Any insight into this problem would be greatly appreciated!


John Pierce