[REQUEST] Automatecly open new browser HTML

if your meaning to use a linmk so that when they click it it opens a new browser user this <a href="<!-- type link here -->" target="_blank"><!-- type text for link here --></a> or use javascript for the onclick="window.new()" event handeler.
lollipop said:
I need a code in HTMl that provides me that my website automatecly opens a new browser, like advertisements
So users don't click on it, they just pop-up


So you want to make pop up advertisements? BAD IDEA. This will drive users away rather then bring them in.
lollipop said:
no, I don't want adverisments, but my site needs otes on a votig site
I already got the banners when you log in, but it would be better if the just pop-up when loggin in


I take it your hosting a private wow server? Been their & done that... If this is the case, PM me.