[REQ]Special Snow build up addon


New Member
I have seen the other snow requests and I have I installed a few of them. The one I am looking for is a snow effect that actually accumulates snow at the bottom of the screen for certain user groups. More specifically for either banned groups or "troll/Trouble maker" groups.


New Member
bfldworker said:
I have seen the other snow requests and I have I installed a few of them. The one I am looking for is a snow effect that actually accumulates snow at the bottom of the screen for certain user groups. More specifically for either banned groups or "troll/Trouble maker" groups.

Take 2 minutes out of your day to search vBulletin.org Forum - The Official vBulletin Resource!

Once you find the mod, post the link here & I will gladly copy the text & the addon here for you.


New Member
I have a javascript that will do what you're looking for, but I have no idea how you would make it affect only certain user groups. That would be up to you, but let me know if you're interested in the script.


New Member
bfldworker said:
If I honestly thought a add-on line that existed on vbulletin.org I would have searched there. And honestly you don't have to be rude about it.

No one was being rude. I said I will gladly assist. If it WASN'T a plugin then how are you able to set it to only work on certain usergroups?

Instead of trying to be a wise guy, try thinking about your request first.

If it was a java script your looking for then odds are it wont be usergroup specific & you could easily find tons of HTML/java scripts on google.


New Member
GgAcE said:
No one was being rude. I said I will gladly assist. If it WASN'T a plugin then how are you able to set it to only work on certain usergroups?

Instead of trying to be a wise guy, try thinking about your request first.

If it was a java script your looking for then odds are it wont be usergroup specific & you could easily find tons of HTML/java scripts on google.

I was looking for one to set up for certain user groups. I have a regular snow effect on the board already, but I would like one that is blizzardesq.