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Forum: Discussion & Feedback
Assigned Moderators: N/A
Posted by: NyCrAzY
Original Content:
Post: [Forum] PlanetUG is looking for Affiliates, GFX, Mods, Uploaders, & Advertisers!Staff Advertisement, Rule #13, Not Allowed To Advertise Staff.
Ban At Least 1 Month, as Hoxxy said here ->
Forum: Discussion & Feedback
Assigned Moderators: N/A
Posted by: NyCrAzY
Original Content:
Forums : PlanetUG - Graphics, Gaming, Development! ~
Current progress : |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| - 41%
PlanetUG ...
- Is consisted of Graphics, Gaming, Warez, and Development
- Uses vBulletin 3.8.2
- Uses a one of a kind skin ripped from phpBB (nobody else on vBulletin has it)
- Absolutely no downtime, we don't like slow forums.
What does PlanetUG mean? It means Planet Underground. The forums opened up a couple of weeks ago and we are trying to make it live up to its potential.
We are looking for mature, experienced, qualified, English speaking, Age 13 and above applicants/staff members. If you do not fit any of these qualities or just looking for a forum so you can have power on, this is not the right job for you.
I am currently looking for the following :
- Affiliates
- GFX Team 1/3 - Creates graphics for PlanetUG and option to moderate the "Graphics Art" forum.
- Global Moderators 0/3 - Moderates an assigned forum
- Uploaders 0/2 - Uploads content onto the forums such as software. Warez software must be linked though.
- Advertisers 0/3
Application Format for GFX, Global Moderators, and Uploaders :
Code:Position applying for: Full Name: Aliases Age: Gender: Location: Time Zone: Contact Information: Experience with game networks: Questions : 1.) Why do you feel that this job is right for you? 2.) In what way do you feel that you will be able to succeed in this job, and what will you be able to take from it into your other endeavors? 3.) What makes you different or unique from any of our other applicants? In essence, in what makes you stand out from our other applicants? Your experience in the field of work you're applying for: Examples of work if needed: Other Comments:
Advertiser application :
Code:Name: Age: Experience: TimeZone: Online Time: Where can you advertise?: How much people could you get?: What can you dedicate?: Time willing to dedicate to PlanetUG:
PlanetUG is not providing a Maple Story Private Server or Hacks due to Nexon's legal troubles.
If you want to affiliate, please contact me.
My contact info :
MSN : [email protected]
E-mail : [email protected]
PM me through the forums. (Username : Crazy)