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dark_hunter has reported a post.
Forum: General Discussion
Assigned Moderators: N/A
Posted by: dark_hunter
Original Content:
Post: Donations to decode vbPlazzaReqest to close and trash please.
Forum: General Discussion
Assigned Moderators: N/A
Posted by: dark_hunter
Original Content:
Everyone one knows this is ioncubed so I was thinking anyone who wants to donate some money to donate then PM me and and I will give you my paypal. I will then get the site I know is trusted to decode it then I will pass it on to DGT and or GYSN.
131 coded files.
Makes it $262 USD.
So if you think you can trust me go ahread and dontate to get this great mod decoded. If not THEN DON'T BOTHER POSTING HERE!