Reported Post by Blagger


New Member
Blagger has reported a post.

Wrong forum - he's even quoted that this is the correct section. lol

This is a discussion not an addon or template modification.
Post: best looking vbulletin
Forum: vB 3.8.X Addons and Template Modifications
Assigned Moderators: N/A

Posted by: lilfabbro
Original Content:
what is your favorite vbulliten, when i say this i mean as far as the style, like how it looks how the addons are implemented into the style, just looks down right awsome, you dont even have to care for the forums topics just love the look, share it with us.

*note i feel this is the right topic to put this in do to the fact its all about the add ons and modifications

this is a real ugly site, just cause.......idk just cause, you'll see if ya click it,
but as far as the layout omg it rox, i mean i have never seen a vbulletin like it think if only it looked cooler, and more netural, ya know for both guys and girls, but still it kicks a** as far as the layout and how its set up, i would love to know how they do it

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