random banner problem....need help


Staff member
hi to all!

i am getting problem in following javascript banner. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.k****ij.com/fxthoughts/fxtrackwithhits.html">http://www.k****ij.com/fxthoughts/fxtrackwithhits.html</a><!-- m -->

it is a free script. but it has a error within it i couldn't be able to find out.its ramdom banner which counts hits also. it suppose to open each link into same window, but it's not doing do. its giving error on the status bar. but if i open one banner and close it window then again open next banner then its ok. but each links of each banner open is same window is not working. but hits traking is working perfectly. can any one tell where is the error is. i have validate the code with html validator also. but no result.

do you any good debugger or validator for javascript only. or any software??

i am newbie and still learning. i need a help very badly. please help me out!

any hepl or suggession will be appriciated.

thanks in advance.
