Questions regarding your experiences at the hockey games?

1. Tickets you brought most expensive and least expensive?<br />
2. How many games you went to when someone brought you the tickets and how much were they?<br />
3. Most you spent/someone has spent on you for food and drinks?<br />
4. Souvenirs you brought at the events and how much?<br />
5. Best fight?<br />
6. Best save?<br />
7. Best hit?<br />
8. Best goal?<br />
9. Anything funny you saw on the kiss cam?<br />
10. Did you make out with someone at a game? If yes, who?<br />
11. Most you paid for parking?<br />
12. How many times have you sneaked on down to the lower level and have you ever been caught?
1) i've never had to pay for tickets.. don't call me spoiled lol
2) a few. my dad works with a guy who buys us tickets because my dad's a valuable employee. in the Mellon Arena, we were seated in section B11.
3) zero. i cannot eat during a game.
4) none.
5) i've only got to see Malone & Commodore fight. Sadly, Malone lost.
6) hmm. not sure. probably the shoot out against the Hurricanes. Sabo actually did well.
7) not sure..
8) Crosby scoring the goal in the shoot out
9) no lol surprisingly.
10) noo. i pay attention to the game.
11) it's free.
12) i've only sat down at the lower level. so i didn't need to sneak.
1. My dad buys my tickets. I love my father. ;)
2. Every game I've been to someone else has bought the tickets. My dad has season tickets to the Penguins and each are about 60 bucks a piece. My dad also bought me tickets to see the Leafs and Sabres at the ACC and they were 65 bucks a piece (that was my late Christmas present from him though)
3. Like $5. I don't eat at the games.
4. I don't buy souvenirs.
5. That I was at a game to see? Well, the games I've been to there were few fights. This is the only one I can actually remember seeing. (But I think I have short term memory loss, lol)
6. I can't think of the best save I've seen live.
7. ^^^^
8. ^^^
9. One time this young nice looking lady got put in the kiss cam next to some fat ugly old man. They didn't kiss though.....she turned him down.
10. Ha, no.
11. We don't pay for parking ever. We down towards this hospital in Pittsburgh and all we have to do is walk up a hill.
12. Never. I honestly don't even like sitting at the lower levels. I prefer to be up in E where are seats are at. I don't know why....I just feel like I can see more up high.
1a) Most expencive Sharks vs Canadiens at the HP Pavillion, about $100 each.
1b) Least expencive 5 bucks for a charity game here in Texas last month featuring Darren McCarty (otherwise $12 for goalie view Sharks vs Nordiques)

2) Before moving here and living in California, a woman I knew had an extra ticket to a Sharks - Blues game. We were right near the announcer's box - awesome view of the action though a bit far away at least you could see plays develop.

3) It's never happened. Even in (2) I paid for food and drinks for both of us out of gratitude, and always have whenever I take a woman out to a game.

4) A t-shirt of our local CHL team - 15 bucks.

5) Jason Herbert vs. Robin Big Snake

6) A glove save I made in an between-intermission game. Howitzer from the point. Pulled a groin doing the splits, but hugs from several female fans recognising me in the stands afterwards made it feel a lot better.

7) Saku Koivu on Owen Nolan

8) I hate admitting it, but I didn't think Chris Terreri would get an emptynet goal against Montreal that night.

9) (I was in another section but saw this on the jumbotron) One of my best friends is married to a lady with nice boobs. He'd gone to get a beer and there was a teammate of hers to her left and one to her right (both guys, both married) Kiss cam wanted her to marry the guy on the left, but she politely declined because rumour has it he's bi. Later said she didn't want him to blush lol.

10) My girlfriend at the time.

11) I honestly don't remember, maybe 10 bucks?

12) I do it at almost every Central Hockey League game. I know the team owner and he's cool with it, as long as if I accidently sit in someone else's seat I have to move. But usually his policy is "As long as you paid to get in, you can sit anywhere." I don't know why more people don't take advantage of this, especially on nights where the arena is only half-full.
1. Paid $400 apiece a while back and ended up not being able to go to the game. Wouldn't have been so bad but I bought four tickets and gave them away because it was too late to try to sell them. Damn, would have been my first Leaf playoff game too. Cheapest? $65, I think.

2. I've gotten freebies a few times, always better that what I buy. Corporate box seats in Toronto, about $200 I guess.

3. About $50 probably, didn't bring the book-keeper.

4. Can't take the kids without buying them some crap. Another $50 maybe.

5-8. Wow, seen a lot of games at all levels. Don't really have on of anything that stands out. Maybe a couple fights at minor league games.

9. Didn't have one.

10. At local games? A gentleman never discusses such things.

11. Take the GO train, parking is free.

12. Quite a few. Usually with the same result, back up where I belong. More at baseball games though.
1. $139 dollars for each ticket (4)

2. I think 6,7. I forgot the price

3. $7 sandwich

4. A Sharks Mystery puck for $20 (Not a big souvenir buyer)

5. Mclaren fight vs Francois Boucheman

6. Nabokov save in Game 4 of 2007 Playoffs

7. Kyle Mclaren hit vs a New York Ranger in 2006

8. http// Dimitrakos Game Winning OT Goal Game 1 of Quarterfinals

9. Two Senator players were on it once...I think one put his arm around the other.

10. Never been on kiss cam

11. $15 for parking, thats the regular

12. Never. I like my seats.
1. Most expensive-67( i llike the upper bowl) Least Expensive-10
2. idk about the price, but my dad and brother brought me to a few games when i was little
3. 30
4. ive bought a jersey around 200
5. Colton or vs. todd fedoruk- 1 punch KO
6. i go to devils games a lot, marty brodeurs there, there are plenty
7. idk i seen a few good ones
8. Johnny Oduya's against the canes when he went Bobby Orr
9. There was a guy dressed as a devill who stuck his toungue out(when he was about to kiss, he ended up proposing to her that game)
10. My girlfreind
11. I dont park anymore, i take the train, its been a while since i parked, dont remember
12. i did when i was little, was caught a few times