New Member
This is my first post and all.. and i not very well versed in XML, actually not at all 
Though I have been working a bit in asp and feel fine with that.
My question is as follows :
Currently I am working on a project for a page / site for my Guild in AO and hence we need to have member info, such as level, rank etc. The problem is however that this is stored on the game server, but made available by a xml file. I have succeeded in transforming into a database, but to simplify the process as that server file is updated everyday I would like to have a file, where I can use the elements of that base xml file, maye a reference like <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://serveradress/file.xml">http://serveradress/file.xml</a><!-- m --> in the file, then choose the layout of the actual file my self.
So it would perhaps be something like :
<defining elements of the html/xhtml>
<File reference="http://server.../">
<table ..>
<element from xml file>
and so on..
I guess I should manage that, however i can't get my web server to show xhtml files and if that is cause by me beeing a poor coder and not understanding, or if I lack some .DLL that needs to be installed I don't know, but I hope someone here can help me. It's a rather big pain to have to dl the xml file from server and then convert it everyday..
The web server is IIS 6.0 on win 2003. I am not really versed in anyother web server platform, even tho I know IIS isn't that good...
Thanks for any help
Forgot to say what server i am using

Though I have been working a bit in asp and feel fine with that.
My question is as follows :
Currently I am working on a project for a page / site for my Guild in AO and hence we need to have member info, such as level, rank etc. The problem is however that this is stored on the game server, but made available by a xml file. I have succeeded in transforming into a database, but to simplify the process as that server file is updated everyday I would like to have a file, where I can use the elements of that base xml file, maye a reference like <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://serveradress/file.xml">http://serveradress/file.xml</a><!-- m --> in the file, then choose the layout of the actual file my self.
So it would perhaps be something like :
<defining elements of the html/xhtml>
<File reference="http://server.../">
<table ..>
<element from xml file>
and so on..
I guess I should manage that, however i can't get my web server to show xhtml files and if that is cause by me beeing a poor coder and not understanding, or if I lack some .DLL that needs to be installed I don't know, but I hope someone here can help me. It's a rather big pain to have to dl the xml file from server and then convert it everyday..
The web server is IIS 6.0 on win 2003. I am not really versed in anyother web server platform, even tho I know IIS isn't that good...
Thanks for any help

Forgot to say what server i am using