Question About Developing Locally


I'm wondering if someone can point me to some posts/tutorials (I'm sure I'm not the first to ask:) about some suggestions to setup a local development environment for a site and then interacting with tch? <br /><br />I have most of my tools setup and working locally (php, mysql etc) so I suppose I'm asking for the best way to mirror my site locally while I work on it and then sync it up with the "production" server on tch?<br /><br />Much appreciation in advance....<br /><br />- JM<!--content-->
I would check that you have the same versions of php / mysql on both your local server and our server. <br /><br />Once you have everything modified and checked on your local server I would either zip and copy everything over ( if you have modified a lot) or I would simply change those more recent than a given date. <br /><br />The only time you have bigger issues is if your remote site is also being updated at the same time ( such as a blog ) - in which case most of the changes are in the database, and changes should generally only be in the remote, and you are not so worried about changes in the local version). <br /><br /><!--content-->