Q: Mail() Php Function


Hi<br />I'd like to implement a formToMail.php script on TCH.<br /> Has anyone done this?<br /><br />Can you give some suggestions and/or help?<br />Thanks<br />Jim Bachalo<!--content-->
You could use <a href="http://www.totalchoicehosting.com/help/id65.htm" target="_blank">Ultimate Form Mailer</a><!--content-->
Hi Bruce<br />I was hoping to set up a PHP formmail script to test with flash remoting.<br /><br /><br />Please see<br /><a href="http://www.flash-db.com/remoting/?serviceID=7&category=Utility" target="_blank">http://www.flash-db.com/remoting/?serviceI...ategory=Utility</a><br /><br />Is there no way to do this on TCH?<br /><br />I have a client that requires a complete overhaul of their flash site.<br /><br />Thanks for any help<br />Jim Bachalo<!--content-->
That's exactly what Ultimate Form Mailer does.<br /><br />It processes a form that you create and emails you the contents.<br /><br />I don't know what your flash remoting is.<!--content-->