PSP 3000 Questions? Anyone who helps will get BEST ANSWER!?


New Member
1. Since the PSP 3000's screen is enhanced (Color, constrast, etc.), does this mean that the graphics will improve or will they just LOOK more realistic?<br />
2. Skype is a communication thing. Does it cost money to use the service?<br />
3. If I do get it, what games will suit it best?<br />
4. If I buy it, I don't want to be dissappointed with the sudden release of the PSP2. Should I buy the PSP 3000 or just wait for the PSP2. And YES, they are in the process of making the PSP2. GOOGLE IT!<br />
!.the screen will just make the color better
2 you have to pay to call cell phones and land lines in skype but not people useing it from a pc
3 uhh for games id go with ratchet and clank,hot shots golf and metal gear acid
4 since the psp2 dosnt have a release date or even pictures (that arnt photoshoped) go with the psp because the psp2 wont come out for another 2 years min, its like waiting for the ps4, there making it but it isnt coming out any time soon
1. The graphics won't get better, but the color will be richer and the screen will be brighter.
2. Skype is free to talk to others with Skype accounts, but costs money if you want to talk to real phones.
3. Loco Roco, Grand Theft Auto Liberty City Stories, Ratchet & Clank Size Matters, God of War Chains of Olympus
4. It'll be a few more years until another PSP comes out, so you're safe buying one now.