Programming Reference Sheets: Advanced C++


Alrighty, C++ people, now that the C++ sheet is published, it's time to knock out an advanced C++ sheet to go on the reverse side. I will put the syntax and advanced sheets together in a PDF so they can be printed 2-sided or individually.<br /><br />What I'd like to see in the Advanced sheet is common functions/classes/methods or whatever the hell you call em'.<br /><br />For instance (and keep in mind, I don't know C++ so this is just an example):<br /><br />Math Functions:<br />pow(int) - Returns power of an integer<br />round(float) - Rounds a decimal<br />ceiling(float) - Returns the next highest whole number<br />floor(float) - Returns the next lowest whole number<br /><br /><br />Make sense?!<br /><br />I know Nova Dragoon was working this so I'll let him post what he's got and you guys can add/edit.