Post Thank & Hide Mod 5.3


New Member
Post Thank You Hack version 5.3
1) upload
post_thanks.gif -> EVERY "buttons" image folder in every style you have. Default is /images/buttons/
2) Import product-post_thanks.xml into PRODUCTS. Allow Overwrite "YES" (admincp -> Plugin System -> Manage Products -> [Add/Import Product])
3) Do the template edits (see instruction file for more info).
silomonline said:
set up already, nothing happens. plz help me!

Enable the AJAX features (from the mod). And give moro info about what you have done. Give more info about what the mod is not doing ect ... you give less information, like this no one can help you ...
No need of prew its is same like as thanks button in vb team
thank u by is it last ver i need install it.
Thank U.
1Q : can install this hack (Hide Mod) with Post Thank You Hack version 6.3 or 6.0 GOLD ???

2Q : How to add only "HIDE" button to editor ???
Nice mod, but well.. tell mehow to disable "have to thank" for some user groups? I will be happy if you fast reply.

2. it works only when i set to be able to thank in any post on thread. if i set to only first it dont work. even button dont shown.
Have a Question.

I am using this mod with VB 3.6.8 and VBAdvanced CMPS 3.0.0

I am using one style for the forums, and another style for CMPS. The content is hidden on the forum style but on CMPS the content is visible.

Does anyone know why it didn't apply to all style's when I imported the product, or do you know of any code I could add to my style to make it work correctly?