POLL: Do you think that having a fear of dolls is irrational???


New Member
And by dolls, I mostly mean ventriloquist's dummies - dolls that look like children or real people.<br />
I'm scared to death of the Chuckie movies (horror), and almost crapped myself when I tried to watch Dead Silence (another horror movie). The only ventriloquist's dummies I'm not scared of are the ones used by Jeff Dunham (comedian. you may know him for Achmed the Dead Terrorist.)<br />
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So, do you think it's irrational? I had no bad experiences with dolls as a child, I just get really freaked out by them. It probably comes from watching those old Twilight Zone re-runs...knew I shouldn't've turned it on when it was about a ventriloquist S<br />
Nope, its kind of like clowns, some people are scared of different things. And if you've seen chucky you have total grounds to have this fear.

Fear of clocks...now that might be irrational.
Yes its irrational.Dolls are nothing to be scared of.They're inanimate objects and they are supposed to be fun.
Nope. Everyone has a fear and that could be the fear of chickens to jellys!
No kidding! I saw it on Maury.
Not at ALL. They scare the hell out of me, i used to have a life sized doll in my room when i was about 5 and i woke up one night and i thought its head moved and gave me an evil "i'm going to kill you" look!! Ever since then i've been completely scared of them.

My friend has china dolls in her room and i used to make her take them down if i slept over, lol.
Of course it's irrational. You ought to look up that word in a dictionary.

As a phobia, it's pretty bearable. Can't be too hard to avoid dummies and movies about dummies.
not at all. almost everyone has some kind of "irrational" fear. i get freaked out by dolls too ever since i saw childs play. and clowns since i saw IT and saw the john wayne gacy story on tv. i am also TERRIFIED of spiders and throwing up.
absolutely not!!! I'm exactly the same as you, I had to give away all of my stuffed animals and my dolls cuz i would freak out at night....and chuckie omg thinking of it gives me chills...i wasn't scared of that stupid doll but my brother was and somehow he transferred his fear to me and seriously the one thing i hate the MOST is that damn doll chuckie...and i hate it how people wear his picture on shirts...cuz it totally catches you off guard and *shiver* its really scary..and yes jeff dunham is pretty awesome..walter is so funny..so yea fear of dummies is not unnatural....i of course have to be afraid of dolls and stuffed animals at night as well (
