Plzzz can u do this for me


New Member
Plzzzzz anyone edit all the scripts of vb 3.7.x and replace the vbulletin tags with SMF..........
I would be very thankfull to u
Shan Ali
shanali4 said:
Plz do it yourself 4 me and upload the script
Why you want to Write SMF, If there is any method you can write your name like SHAN..
Anyway I dont have any Idea yet..
Shan when your mission completed please help me I also wana do this,
maaaaaaaaan sorry if i'm being rude... but what kind of stupid idea is this are you trying to hide your vb? then your are doing it WRONG you think you can fool the creators of vb with that? you can even fool your members or hardcore vb users with that is just another stupid and useless idea