Picture Generator problem


New Member
I'm not sure what this script is really called, but it's something that can be seen on this page (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://members.tripod.com/SSaturn/manga/saturnimages.htm">http://members.tripod.com/SSaturn/manga ... images.htm</a><!-- m -->), and I'd like to use it on my page. The problem is, I don't know if I can get the pictures to open in a new window? I've tried a few basic things, but I'm the type of person who cuts and pastes JS into my code, so I really don't understand the language.

I would like the images to open in a new window because once the viewer opens an image and then goes back to the page with the generator on it, the script reloads itself from the beginning. So this makes it hard to see each picture in sequence without continuing to go through ALL of the pictures.

If someone can help me, I'd really appreciate it.

Oh yes, and I did notice the creator's email in the script, and I've emailed him but gotten no response.

Thank you,