Php - Imagettfbbox()


According to, the function imagettfbbox() is part of PHP 4+, but in a script I tried running, it said it was undefined. Am I missing anything?<br /><br />I was using it to generate an image on the fly for one of those anti-robotic image dealies (a script I found on Hotscripts by "Chuck Harmston"). It could be the script of course... I have no clue how this image stuff works in PHP, heh. Thanks!<!--content-->
Frylock, the PHP manual says that function requires both the GD library and the FreeType library. I know TCH servers have the GD library installed and working with PHP but I'm not sure about the Freetype library.<br /><br />I'll check that for you and post here again when I know the answer.<!--content-->
All servers should have freetype installed by default. For some reason it was missing on server 35. I tested several other servers and found it was compiled into php. I have recompiled php with freetype support on your server. You can test it by running the fttest.php program I put in your public_html directory.<!--content-->
Thanks for taking care of it, Rick <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /><!--content-->
Wow... seems I'm the slow one around here.<br /><br />But yeah it works now, cool! Thanks a lot!<!--content-->