Php Explanation Please!


I have a script that I found online and thought it looked simple yet complex enough for me to learn the basics, which is what I want to do without having to go out and buy a book. I'm very hands-on and reading a book just doesn't work for me. So I have a copy of the script I saw but I don't want to post it because it was on a site that said the owner made the script himself and I don't know if there are any copyright issues with that. I was hoping I can send it to someone here who can explain it to me. Essentially I want to create something similiar but not exact.<!--content-->
With regards to the copyright - if the owner has said you can use it, then it's fine. If they haven't then they hold the copyright. <br /><br />I'm out and about a lot the next few days, so probably not the best person to send it to. Are you having problems with just understanding parts of it ? or all of it ?<!--content-->
I'm part of the staff that uses it, so as long as I don't replicate it somewhere else I'm good to go. I gets bits of it but I get lost in sections. <br /><!--content-->