PhotoPost vBGallery, v2.4.3

PhotoPost vBGallery, v2.4.3
May 3rd, 2008

- vBulletin 3.7.0
- PHP 4.3.3 +
- MySQL 4.0.16 +

What’s New ?

* Clean Description in showimage page <title> - $image[description_clean]
* Added securitytoken to submit forums to operate in 3.7 vBulletin.
* Profile Enhancements
- User CP control over the image block in the member profile. (active, 9 locations, image size, extra image info, count)
- In the “Statistics Tab” - added gallery field (media count, comment count, last upload with link, last comment with link)
- Gallery Tab added : media count, comment count, last upload with link, last comment with link, total views, total sticky,
total votes, disk space, last 30 added favorites w/ link , last 30 added subscriptions w/ link.
- Gallery usergroup permissions: Can view profile tab (yes/no), Can view profile block (yes/no), Can change profile block settings (yes/no)
- Added media count to Mini Statistics block
* Added ppgal_user table to hold personal user information and setting.
* Gallery usergroup permission: Can view FORUMHOME block (yes/no)
* Added phrase group adv_gallery_int for phrases that are needed outside of the gallery (profile page, forumhome, ect)
vs. main phrase group adv_gallery.
* Userinfo Merge - this merges the fields of user table and ppgal_user table
* Added meta keywords and meta description to showimage from media keywords and description

Fixes / Changes

* Failed Validation
* Phrasegroup adv_gallery called on all pages Replaced
* Fields ppicount, pppcount in user table was moved to ppgal_user table
* Validation Error go button
* Fixed member removal. (when a user is removed from the system: images, posts, member categories, votes, ect will be removed)
* Notifications Links in forums navbar fixed while on gallery pages.
* Moved user profile setting in AdminCP => Modify Add-Ons => vBGallery Profile to UserCP
* Posts Awaiting Moderation - Validating does not work



New Member
I got this and it installed just fine. It shows in VB as an option at the top of the screen. But when I click on gallery it gives me an error saying it can not find a file it needs. I looked and the path listed and it is wrong. So I go and change it in the admincp and save it. Try it again and the same error with the same file path. It did not change it???? Also I am running 3.7.2.

Help and thanks


New Member
does this work on 3.7.4? and what about the photo albums vbulletin has built into it, what happens to those? does this replace it or are there 2 photo things now?


New Member
newperson2008 said:
does this work on 3.7.4? and what about the photo albums vbulletin has built into it, what happens to those? does this replace it or are there 2 photo things now?

1] It's working fine on 3.7.4
2] You got 2 photo things now... but you can disable the photoalbum option.


New Member
I just installed this and really like it... But is there a way to have an option other than upload photos... Alot of people store images on photobucket and imageshack... Just wandering if theres an option to allow inserting a link to there image account?