photopost vbgallery 2.4 nulled

photopost said:
There was a large change in the code. This is a script wide variable change. All hacks will need to be updated. (file and template usage) please disable add-ons that pull gallery information before upgrade.

Content visible to verified customers only.

what is this invisible content?

can u upload cmps vbgallery module too?

PhotoPost Community
I guess this version is not nulled because there're photopost links everywhere (installed it myself and uninstalled now). Also, this version is in the Cue over at GYSN, should just wait for gysn, someone please remove this attachment as it would be risky for other to use.
ntloc, actually this is MOST likely NULLED, and the links are always in tact in a nulled and non-nulled versions, why? well so if you use a nulled version people can convince themselves youre using a legal version of the gallery..and if you TAKE OFF the links what happens then? you're violating the copyrights and that will convince users to think youre using a nulled version..:]
, and the links are always in tact in a nulled and non-nulled versions, why?
Do you know about browser's refferer function? When you click to the link (<a> HTML tag) your browser sends url of the page you are currently viewing (where the link located). So, if they track refferers, they can easily see, that their gallery installed on your site.
In good nulls hotlinks ALWAYS removed.