Photopost 6.01 pro MafiaScript Nulled


New Member
I found this script in google somewhere, I have self installed and it seems to be nulled and working. This is the pro version, can be installed standalone or intergrated with vbulletin

Please run a virus scan on the file before extractring, I dont know if this contain virus or not, my antovirus software doesnt seems to work under vista 64
Do not check all hole code but when installed this release,look like some connection try to break my firewall :),and I assuming this release not recommended,just for your note BE SAFE !
Virginia, can you give some more detal? a firewall log or something. If you are right then I need to remove this and trash my copy..:(
Here is another link with nfo which says:

// ########################################################################## \\
// # __ ______ _______ ___ _____ __________ _ ____ ___________ # \\
// # / |/ / | / ____(_) | / ___// ____/ __ \(_) __ \/_ __/ ___/ # \\
// # / /|_/ / /| | / /_ / / /| | \__ \/ / / /_/ / / /_/ / / / \__ \ # \\
// # / / / / ___ |/ __/ / / ___ |___/ / /___/ _, _/ / ____/ / / ___/ / # \\
// # ©/_/ /_/_/ |_/_/ /_/_/ |_/____/\____/_/ |_/_/_/ /_/ /____/ # \\
// # # \\
// # MAFiASCRiPTS # \\
// #------------------------------------------------------------------------# \\
// # Copyright © 2007 ALL ENTHUSIAST, INC. # \\
// #------------------------------------------------------------------------# \\
// # # \\
// # NAME : PhotoPost Pro # \\
// # VERSION : 6.01 # \\
// # TYPE : Gallery System # \\
// # SUPPLIED : MS Supplier # \\
// # WEBSITE : # \\
// # MST PRICE : 100% FREE # \\
// # DISTRO : VIA MS # \\
// # DEMO : # \\
// # ADDONS : n/a # \\
// # XTRA NOTE : props goes to the contributors of this project # \\
// # DOCS : check 'Docs' for installation info # \\
// # # \\
// #------------------------------ DESCRiPTiON -----------------------------# \\
// # # \\
// # PhotoPost is PHP based software for your site that lets your users # \\
// # share and upload photos to galleries and to interact in photo # \\
// # discussions. Install it yourself, or let us get your gallery up and # \\
// # running in one day. # \\
// # # \\
// #------------------------------------------------------------------------# \
chugarah said:
Virginia, can you give some more detal? a firewall log or something. If you are right then I need to remove this and trash my copy..:(

I disconnected my internet connection but there some code try to call out for send server information.When scripts nulled properly and no evil code,usually noting happen like this.

By the way I never believe MST release again,take a look on GYSN official forum and other warez scene group,they do BAD BAD nulled and never know what they doing.So I always passed by all MST release,just my 2 cent for safe my life.

Virginia said:
By the way I never believe MST release again,take a look on GYSN official forum and other warez scene group,they do BAD BAD nulled and never know what they doing.So I always passed by all MST release,just my 2 cent for safe my life.


I also remember reading what went down over at GYSN a few months ago. If I remember properly it was something about them stealing a GYSN release and renaming it their own. I wouldn't trust any of their scripts, ever. They have disgraced themselves.