Photobucket Image Uploader


New Member

This hack will allow you to have access to your Photobucket Account from inside vBulletin, so that you can post up your pictures or videos without the need of opening a new window. It will allow you to display this Hack in the New Thread, New Post/Reply, Quick Reply, and Quick Edit Windows. This hack also provides the user with multiple options/settings to make this Add-on blend in with the site's color scheme. It has many benefits and options, so for more info just take a look at the Screenshots provided or download and install the Add-on to see and explore its settings.

Installation Instructions:
1) Download the attached .XML Product.
2) Import the .XML Product via Admin CP > Plugins & Products > Manage Products > [Add/Import Product]
3) Edit the Settings accordingly and Enable Hack where desired. Go to Admin CP > vBulletin Options > vBulletin Options > Photobucket Image Uploader to manage the settings.
4) Your Done! Its that easy ...

Version History:

* v1.0
o Official "Hack" Release
o No known bugs



Well i guess it doest work with vB 3.6.7 .. Sorry.

I installed it, but it doesnt seem to be doing any thing,

1) Download the attached .XML Product. Check!
2) Import the .XML Product via Admin CP > Plugins & Products > Manage Products > [Add/Import Product] Check!
3) Edit the Settings accordingly and Enable Hack where desired. Go to Admin CP > vBulletin Options > vBulletin Options > Photobucket Image Uploader to manage the settings
have you enabled it in the second screenshot in the middle you will see 4 options that need setting to enabled

working great for me on 3.6.8
Search your editpost, newreply, and newthread templates for $attachmentoption ... If its not there, then that's the reason why this hack isnt working for you. If its there then its something else, but I am almost positive that it has to be this. Let me know how it turns out Forum - View Single Post - Photobucket Image Uploader

Will some one Pm Him for info

Thanks PMt
those of you running anything less than 3.6.8 should really upgrade for the security of you site
Daz said:
those of you running anything less than 3.6.8 should really upgrade for the security of you site

did upgrade vBulletin.v3.6.8.Patch.Level.2.PHP.NULLIFIED.-GYSN

still not working