Parsing XML Using minidom


New Member
I have an XML file in which I want to extract data from certain tags that are ONLY nested within other tags, i.e. the tags containing the data I want to extract occur elsewhere in the XML document.Sample XML:\[code\]<root> <tag1>content I don't want</tag1> <tag2>content I don't want</tag2> <tag3>content I don't want</tag3> <item> <tag1>content I want</tag1> <tag2>content I want</tag2> <tag3>content I want</tag3> </item> <item> <tag1>content I want</tag1> <tag2>content I want</tag2> <tag3>content I want</tag3> </item></root>\[/code\]Python code (which retrieves all data, including from the tags I don't want):\[code\]for counter in range(2): variable0 = XML_Document.getElementsByTagName('item')[counter] variable1 = XML_Document.getElementsByTagName('tag1')[counter].toxml(encoding="utf-8") variable2 = XML_Document.getElementsByTagName('tag2')[counter].toxml(encoding="utf-8") variable3 = XML_Document.getElementsByTagName('tag3')[counter].toxml(encoding="utf-8") print counter print variable1 print variable2 print variable3\[/code\]How do I modify the loop to access only the data in the tags nested in the item tags only?