Optional Hyperlinks in a repeater


New Member
I have a table that contains a url for a company and a company name. The default value for the URL field is 'None'.<BR><BR>I need to display a list of all companies and *if their URL is not 'None' hyperlink the company name to the URL. Else just display the company name.<BR><BR>I can't figure out how to conditionally serve content in any type of list control.<BR><BR>Any ideas?<BR><BR>SELECT *<BR>FROM table<BR>WHERE URLField != 'None'<BR><BR>Or are you talking about right from the HTML table?Uhh...No. They are in a varchar field.<BR><BR>I need to return all rows with or without a hyperlink. What I need to know is how to display the Company Name as a hyperlink if the URL column is != to 'None' and if it is equal to 'None' just display the Company Name.<BR><BR>