"onClick" xhtml validation error


hi guys,

i am getting this error when i validate my page.

my doc type is

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"

and the error i am getting is.

Line 472, column 46: there is no attribute v

<input type="button" value="Continue" onClick="javascript:Submit();" class="btn" />

do i need to change my doc type? not use that javascript call?

if someone could help me or give me some advice that would be great!In XHTML everything has to be lowercase, so...onclick="Submit()"Note I removed the JavaScript pseudo-protocol from the attribute value. Not only is it unnecessary, but wrong.

P.S. This had nothing to do with CSS and would've been better suited for the HTML forum. No big deal, though.Just a note, even in HTML the event handlers are all lower case; all element names being uppercase and all attribute names being lower case. It's just that HTML is case insensitive so it doesn't matter. Unless of course you are using JavaScript to play around with the document. Then you will need to keep your cases straight.thanx guys, that solved it!

i have these warnings.

Line 208, column 15: character "&" is the first character of a delimiter but occurred as data

no biggie i dont think, what i did was i changed all the "and"'s to
"&"'s in the countries list box to make them shorter.

anyone know what i need to do to fix this and can i have it like this?Replace every instance of & with &.thanks all the &'s are fixed!

one more error, last one i swear and im all validated.

Line 217, column 47: the name and VI delimiter can be omitted from an attribute specification only if SHORTTAG YES is specified

<option value="" selected> </option>

this is weired becuase i didnt see this one before, its when i go back to entering users details and all there details are brought up on the page.

this might have something to do with it as, well

thanx very much

Please, validate your XML document first!

Line 217

Column 48

Attribute name "selected" associated with an element type "option" must be followed by the ' = ' character.Keep in mind that the purpose of XML is to allow for a level of error checking without a DTD. That's why you need to indicate the end of all elements and why attributes need values, <option value="foo" selected="selected">Foo</option>thanx charles all sweet now!