Need help with script and html code red


Hey guys,<br /><br />This is a project my friend has sent me, i am new at this, but with your help, heck you guys know more than me, so any advice or the question answered will be awesome also i dont know the type of language however if you wish, I can email you the hole coding, just provide me the email address on the forum thanks. anyways:<br /><br />I need some assistance, just a question really. I see this line in my coding:<br /><br />#print SENDMAIL "To: employment\\n";<br />pirnt SENDMAIL "To: retroesh\\n"; #test to see #if it can send to gmail<br /><br />2 questions pop in my head that I need you assistance. One of the questions is, when I see the line:<br />#print SENDMAIL "To: employment\\n";<br />The # sign, does that mean it鎶