Need help in appeal to Google for removing ban


New Member
Can someone tell me how to fill in this form of google appeal at ... cks_appealThanksUse your hand ?Just fill the form as it was instructed it and you will make it right...Or, register a company LLC name, and reappy with a fake website. Google bans regularly and they don't care. 0%. Just get another account and move on.You do know how to get another account yes?I know that. But I heard that you can reapply with the same info for a new adsense account andthey will accept but I'm also in doubt will they ban me again?vjjohnson04 wrote:from what im seeing and thorugh my own experience you have no chance of getting back in. even with an appeal. also you need a whole seperate google account if you want a new adsense and all of your info has to be switched.