MySQLDumper 1.23 pre-release[b33z]


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MySQLDumper 1.23 pre-release[b33z]



HomePage: MySQLDumper - smart backup for all your web projects

The problem …

A PHP-Script has a maximum of execution time; anything after above the limit (Usually sets to 30 seconds) will result in losing data. Such behavior renders large database backup impossible. Perhaps you already noticed how much of a problem it could be while using other tools.

MySQLDumper fills a gap …

MySQLDumper is a backupscript for MySQL-Databases, written in PHP and Perl.

MySQLDumper uses a proprietary technique to avoid execution interruption. It only reads and saves a certain amount of commands and then calls itself via JavaScript and memorizes how far in the process it was and resumes its action from its last standby.

MySQLDumper restores a backup file by using the same process. Unlike other tools splitting and splicing of large files is no longer necessary.

MySQLDumper offers to write data directly into a compressed gz-File. The Restore-Script is able to read this file directly without unpacking it. Of course you can use it without compression, however using Gzip saves a sizeable amount of bandwidth.

Some features …

* MySQLDumper can read Dumpfiles from other Scripts via the integrated parser (for example from phpMyAdmin)
* Security: MySQLDumper can generate a .htaccess-file to protect itself and all of your backup-files
* MySQLDumper can do Multipart-Backups. That means: MySQLDumper can automatically split the dumpfile if it gets bigger than your chosen size. When you want to restore a backup and choose the wrong part - it doesn' matter: MySQLDumper will notice that and will get the correct startfile automatically.
* automatic Errormodul
* MiniSql: You have access to your MySQL-Tables. You can delete tables, edit or insert data. You can run/ save any SQL-Statement.
* Database-Overview: look at running processes or even stop them
* very good file-overview: backups of the same database are shown as one entry. Click it to see all of the files.
* automatic file-deletion: set your own rules to delete old backups. Specify the age or the number of files when it will be deletetd automatically to save server webspace.
* Perl Cronscript done: all features of the PHP-Script are now integrated in the Perlscript that can be started via a Cronjob
* Configuration can be set seperatly for each Script (PHP and Perl)
* befor you start a backup all your parameters are shown again, so you definitely know what you are doing :-)
* Send Emails with or without your dumpfile attached / you can set the maximum size of the attachement. If it grows bigger it won't be attached.
* Send dumpfiles via FTP to another Server. This is also working using the multipart feature.
* Faster backups und restore (compared to older versions of MySQLDumper)
* ect. ect. ect ...



More Screens Located Here: imgb33z Image Gallery "MySQLDump-Screens" by b33z


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Do you need to move your vbulletin forum from one host to another?

This is a great program for backing up and restoring vbulletins mysql databases.

Forget bigdump and all the others, stick with this proven FREE winner.
np m8! its freeware opensource, but sometimes people dont know these things exist.. i have found that just about anything you need is available for free.. might be a trimmed down version, but its there. this opensource goody is not limited at all! thats why i like it. full featured, gfx look good, and it works very well! anyway.. welcome.. njoy!
not sure i understand the question... this is a sql import/export tool... if you sql file is too large to import via cpanel(or vistapanel or ipanel, etc) than you can use this tool to import it into your db... it really has nothing to do with vb specifically, but is a great help when your vb database is to large!
I mean I've create a forum with database: forum...... And i don't know which database i must install MySQLDumper 1.23 when it ask... database forum i 've create or i must create a new database
Well mysqldumper was created to backup or restore any mysql database.

In your case you would select your vbulletin mysql database located in the drop down menu. Then proceed over to file administration or backup or restore to copy your vb mysql db or to restore your mysql db.

It's a fairly well laid out program and extremely useful if you need to restore a corrupted database or if you decide to move hosts.

When moving hosts make sure you mod the config.php file in the includes folder.
It's posted here because this is one of the most useful php scripts out there for backing up, restoring or moving vBulletin forums from one host to another. Whether its free or not is irrelevant!
ryu said:
Why is this even posted here? It's a freeware software.

Read reply #4. Some people don't know about this tool and this tool is very useful in transferring large forums.
HELP! I got this error when restoring my db:

MySQL-ERROR MySQL Documentation of Errors
Error in Query:

SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client;
MySQL says:

Variable 'character_set_client' can't be set to the value of 'NULL'