My Pre-Modded Release vB3.6.8 (Nulled)


New Member
Hey everyone, this is my first premodded board i've put together let me know how you like it, i've only nulled boards before now and no one has been caught using my private releases.

I may be releasing another one soon with more mods and possible an arcade, i didnt add an arcade as there was a problem with ibpro arcade when i was doing this, they since then fixed the security issue and i will now be adding an arcade.

The board is modded with the Titanium skin by extreme pixels and a custom red2black admincp skin.


You may have notice the ads, i place them thier so that i can make some revenue, its your choice if you would like to keep them there, i am a student and need to pay my debt, if you like my board please keep it there as support.

I've gone ahead and removed all the copyrights due to request, but i did put myown copyright at the bottom, remove it or change it if you would like, there is also the one in the title and those are the only ones located on the main forum, all the others (2 more) are in the admincp. I've also put my logo on the admincp cause the old one looked like shit feel free to place urs there.

Current MOD's:
This is an information bar to let you guests know that they should register with your forum, it also comes with a feature to let the administrator know that they have logged into this forum under an administrators account.

[b][u]AJAX Registration[/u][/b]
This MOD simply adds real-time checking of registration fields to ensure that all the information is correct or completed before submitted.

[b][u]Anti-Leech Attachments[/u][/b]
This MOD ensure that attachment cannot be hotlinked so that your bandwidth is only used by you.

[b][u]AnyMedia BBCode[/u][/b]
This MOD adds the BBCode 'MEDIA' which allows you to embed vidios from most of the popular online video sites such as YouTube and MegaVideo.

[b][u]Collapsable First Post[/u][/b]
This MOD allows all users to view the first post of each thread from the thread view page rather than viewing the entire thread.

[b][u]User Moderation Log[/u][/b]
This MOD has created a log in the users control panel that displays all moderation on thier posts.

[b][u]Link Restriction[/u][/b]
This MOD restricts the viewing of links to guests.

[b][u]Inactive User Reminders[/u][/b]
This MOD allows the administrator to have an email sent automatically to inactive users.

[b][u]Inferno Shoutbox (PRO)[/u][/b]
This popular MOD creates a box at the top of your forum (or where ever you place it) that users may post thoughts and feelings and chat with other users on the forum in real-time.

[b][u]Limited Forum Viewing[/u][/b]
This MOD restricts guests to only be allowed to view a particular amount posts, once the IP has reached its amount of posts the will get a message asking them to register.

One of the most famous MODs that adds a verification question to the registration process to help prevent registration SPAM.

[b][u]Hide Hack[/u][/b]
This MOD creates an option to restrict view of a body of text in your post using the 'hide' tags. This MOD also comes with an integrated Thanks hack (not configuered).

[b][u]MP3 Player[/u][/b]
This MOD has created an MP3 player on your site! You can upload your own MP3's on four different playlists.

This MOD creates a redirection page that lets the user know that they are leaving the site.

[b][u]vBulletin Blog[/u][/b]
This MOD is an official release from Jelsoft Enterprise which is fully compatible with vBulletin 3.6.8. This is just a Blog that is integrated with the vBulletin software.

[b][u]Torrent Tracker[/u][/b]
This rare hack turns your site into a torrent tracker!

This MOD creates an easy management system if you decide to create your own hosting company!

[b][u]Proxy Redirection[/u][/b]
This very awesome MOD helps restrict users who have been banned from the site to try and use a proxy to access it.

[b][u]Mood Manager[/u][/b]
This simple hack creates a mood drop down list just under your private messages link.

[b][u]Save Draft[/u][/b]
This MOD allows you to save your post as a draft so that you can return to it at a later time.

Your input would be greatly apprecieated, as i would like to release another with several more mods, but let me know if there are any errors, i also noticed that there are some broken images but thats only for the torrent attachment (you need to make your own) and the calander located in the user manager in the admin cp.

Where's the install.php?
There is non as this already as a database, load the database and point your config.php (located in the includes folder) to your MySQL database.

You forgot to place the install.php, don't worry i placed my own in there but its asking me for a password?
I mentioned above you dont need an install.php but if you would like your board not to work all passwords are '' (without the quotes)

There are broken images what do i do?
Create you own! i've already created them for your navbar do i have to do everything?

Okay, i've installed the board whats the login?
Read the posts, if you have installed your board correctly there should be a post called 'Welcome' with 3 replies in the main forum, READ IT!

Is this release nulled?
Yes, its completely safe to use

You did an awesome job do you accept donations?
No, all the work i do is free, what i do ask however is that you leave the google ads in tact at the top (that means not changing them to your own) and i always like to here feedback to help improve future releases.

There is an .htaccess file, why is that there?
I do all testing on my private server which requires a password to access, that is why its there, unfortunately i forgot to remove it when i uped the release so simply delete, it is not needed.

Your screenshot shows a couple MODs that arn't in your release, why?
These are MOD's that i have added since my last release, i just took the shots which captured the board in its current state and not its one state.

Do you have a demo board?
Yes! I just set it up, this is the release downloaded from here and uploaded with no edits made:


Be sure to read the post in the main forum for additional information.

All Passwords:
posted a test board, this is stock, i dled it from here uploaded it and made no changes whatsoever. I works perfectly fine ;) please review first post for site
It's a legit release and the creator had good intentions but there is a problem because for some reason it connects to hxxp://, maybe for ads or something. However that place it password protected, so it makes the any page stop loading and prompt for password. Therefore it doesn't allow you to do anything unless you have the username/password for that site.

Can you give us the username and password please plot?
1w1n2O0O said:
It's a legit release and the creator had good intentions but there is a problem because for some reason it connects to hxxp://, maybe for ads or something. However that place it password protected, so it makes the any page stop loading and prompt for password. Therefore it doesn't allow you to do anything unless you have the username/password for that site.

Can you give us the username and password please plot?

plot said:
There is an .htaccess file, why is that there?
I do all testing on my private server which requires a password to access, that is why its there, unfortunately i forgot to remove it when i uped the release so simply delete, it is not needed.
umm thanks, i would like to know, does it have an installation? or ive to execute some sql queries in order to "install" this version?

btw - i cant see the mods list
I've sucsuffully installed the blue indigo system. with every refreshing pages on the board exept the admincp... It asks for a username and pass.
Maybe you guys know how to solve this problem, because i really like to use this pre mod version.
Guys the username and pass is.....

To stop the redirect and mad pop up asking for the user name and pass all the time, just log into the admincp with the above username and pass, then disable the plugin "web proxy redirect" after that no more login screens :)
its still come error when i input
user : admin
pass :

plsss help...

Server error!
The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. Either the server is overloaded or there was an error in a CGI script.

If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster.

Error 500
01/14/08 18:23:43
Apache/2.2.6 (Win32) DAV/2 mod_ssl/2.2.6 OpenSSL/0.9.8g mod_autoindex_color PHP/5.2.5