My first affiliate sales with ClickBank!


New Member
Hi! I logged in to my ClickBank account today to see if I had maked some sales with my PPC campaign! And here is the results: I made these sales from a PPC campaign that I got 63 clicks from, and the EPC was on $1.04 and the PPC campaign costed only $5.05. So my net. profit is on 62.75 I have launched this campain again, so I hope I make more sales of Satellite Direct! Regards, Jimmy Bredesen Good Job! But beware not to be over zealous in case things turn out differently.Btw, did you try the product before? I was thinking of promoting it, but the reviews I got wasn't good so I cancel my intention. Qamar Quote: Jimmy, whats your source of traffic? Adwords, POF or Facebook? I have some suggestions for you.