multiple ckeditor with same name textarea


New Member
I have a form that's created in a loop via phpit's something like this\[code\]<?php $number = count($name_array); $id = 0; while($id<$number) { if($category[$id] == ewbp) { $ewbp = 'selected'; } if($category[$id] == iwbp) { $iwbp = 'selected'; } if($category[$id] == wbe) { $wbe = 'selected'; } if($category[$id] == texture) { $texture = 'selected'; } if($category[$id] == putties) { $putties = 'selected'; } if($category[$id] == primer) { $primer = 'selected'; } echo " <div class=\"update_form_holder\"> <form action=\"processor/update.php\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" method=\"post\"> <table> <tr> <td>Name</td><td><textarea rows=\"1\" cols=\"30\" name=\"name\">"."$name_array[$id]"."</textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Small Description</td><td><textarea rows=\"2\" cols=\"60\" name=\"short_desription\">"."$short_description[$id] "."</textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Full Description</td><td><textarea rows=\"5\" cols=\"60\" name=\"long_description\">"."$long_description[$id]"."</textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Category</td> <td> <select name=\"category\"> <option value="ewbp\" ". "$ewbp" . ">Exterior Water Based Paints </option> <option value="iwbp\" ". "$iwbp" . ">Interior Water Based Paints</option> <option value="wbe\" ". "$wbe" . ">Water Based Enamel </option> <option value="texture\" ". "$texture" . ">Textures</option> <option value="putties\" ". "$putties" . ">Putties</option> <option value="primer\" ". "$primer" . ">Premir</option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><input type=\"hidden\" value=""."$idi[$id]"."\" name=\"idi\"></td> </tr> <tr> <td><input type=\"submit\" value="update\"></td> </tr> </table> </form> </div> <div class=\"image_holder\"> <img src=""."$imgurl[$id]"."\" /> </div> <form action=\"processor/delete.php\" method=\"post\"> <input type=\"hidden\" value="$idi[$id]\" name=\"delete_id\"> <input type=\"hidden\" value="$filename[$id]\" name=\"delete_file\"> <input type=\"submit\" value="delete entry\" > </form> "; $id++; $ewbp = ''; $iwbp = ''; $wbe = ''; $texture = ''; $putties = ''; $primer = ''; } ?>\[/code\]and im trying to get the textareas to use ckeditor, the problem is, it needs different names to create new instances, however I can't change the name as the data is submitted to another php file for storing in an sql database. Is there a way to get it to create more instances without having to change the name?? I tried using IDs but it didn't work. Moreover this link made me doubt whether it's even possible.