modifying poll module


New Member
Hi Everyone

I want some help doing some modification for the poll module with Vbulletin-vbadvanced , is it the right place to ask ?

stream-view said:
Hi Everyone

I want some help doing some modification for the poll module with Vbulletin-vbadvanced , is it the right place to ask ?


Hi Guys
what I want to ask, if there is a poll module whith this specific option:

1- reset every x hour ( people can vote again )
2-voter can change their vote any time
3- has a time to show when vote started and when it will end
4-show the number of voter of each country ( by adding flag and the number near )
5-shows the user that votes and their choice.

I know Iam asking alot , but maybe some programmers will like the challange..

thanks in advance