I have an HTML table that I request from a webserver in C#. I am then displaying the page in my aspx webform. How can I add a prerequisite based on the course ID to the last column in the table without hard-coding the prerequisite? Example of the table design is below.\[code\] <tr bgcolor="#E1E1CC"> <td width="7%">003597</td> <td width="5%">01</td> <td width="1%">OPT</td> <td width="8%">MT H </td> <td width="16%">2:00 pm - 2:50 pm </td> <td width="17%">08/26/13 - 12/12/13</td> <td width="8%"><a href="http://www.mnsu.edu/registrar/building.html"target = _blank><b>TR C124 </b></a></td> <td width="19%">Staff</td> <td width="4%">22</td> <td width="4%">6</td> <td width="4%"><font color="#000000">Open</font></td> <td width="7%"><a href=http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15891767/Notes.asp?SpclNote=20143+003597+IT+100 target = _blank><b>Notes</b></a></td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#E1E1CC"> <td colspan="3"> </td> <td width="8%">M </td> <td width="16%">10:00 am - 11:50 am</td> <td width="17%">08/26/13 - 12/09/13</td> <td width="8%"><a href="http://www.mnsu.edu/registrar/building.html"target = _blank><b>WH 0119 </b></a></td> <td width="19%">Staff</td> <td colspan="4"> </td> </tr>\[/code\]