Military Law + Digital Files (Movies)?


New Member
Okay, this question may be really dumb, but I LOVE movies. I own a ton and I mean a TON of DVD's. I don't plan on taking them with me. I have made my movies digital for my mp3 device (Zune). I do have a hard drive of files so that I can change those on my device at any time. I commute a lot so I watch them on trains and stuff and then delete them once I view them. I want to know if after basic and once you get settled in and such would this be a problem if I did not have every physical dvd with me to prove that I purchased it? Should I just leave that stuff behind and come back to it after I finish with the military? I don't want to carry all my movies with me, I have a feeling they would take up boxes and boxes, and I don't want to risk losing them in transit or something stupid like that. A friend/mentor of mines was in the ARMY for 20 yrs and said someone ripped him off of over 5k in music and that was around the time that compact discs were coming out! Of course the guy got caught and in trouble, but the items were never recovered =(.<br />
I don't want any kind of legal troubles because I don't know what kind of military laws exist for this, but something is telling me I shouldn't even bring them and go back to renting once in. I'm guessing my gut is probably right. Sucks to rent movies you already own!!! lol<br />
I guess my real question is what are the Military Laws that pertain to video and audio files?<br />
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I'm kinda bummed about this because I don't watch popular culture or trendy items. I spent a lot of cash buying stuff that is really tailored to my interests - so like a lot of science and discovery channel features, etc. I doubt Apple itunes has any of it, plus their cost value is ridiculous! Probably could buy the sets three times over for the prices that they list!<br />
Cool, Thanks everyone! I just know I tend to use my mp3 device more than my dvd player because I am always on the run. It's nice to know that I may be able to take my files with me. I will ask the recruiter as well about this, just in case. I know laws are changing quickly now that we're in the digital age. Most of my stuff is password protected and read only until I access the drive with my password, just in case I get into a roommate situation. I think I've paid too much for my film collection to do something that silly. Plus most of my stuff is educational documentary (square entertainment! LoL).<br />
As long as you're not out to sell bootleg copies, you can have digital copies of your movies. However, if you're just now going to BCT, you might want to leave it home. You're not going to have time to watch movies while in Basic and most likely, your Zune will be confiscated as contraban. You'll get it back. I'd say bring it and let the DS keep it for you because you should be able to have it in AIT. Same with your cell phone too.

Everything and anything that the DSs consider as contraban will be kept in a container with your name on it and a high dollar value item sheet will be filled out as sort of accountability of your electronics, etcs.
No the "Military" does not have a specific law regarding video/audio files. HOWEVER!!! Under the Assimilated Crimes Act, if there is a federal code or state code for a crime, but no Military code, the Military can assimilate said code and punish. Such as Child Pornography, there is no Military Law specifically against it, we it is prosecuted by the Military using the Federal Law.

So, what you have is in violation of Federal or State Law, than you have a problem. Otherwise, your in the clear. Just make sure you don't go handing out all your digital movies. That would be illegal.