

New Member
                  ░███████          ▓█▒▒░▒▒█▓          ███████▓
                 ░████▓▓▓██        ▓▓   █   ▓▓        █▓▓▓▓█▓██░
                 ▒████▓█▓▓██     ██     █     ██     ██▓█████▓▓█░
               ▓▓█████████▓▓    █    ₧  █  ₧    █    █▓▓██████▓▓█░
             ▒░ ░████    ██▓█ ██      ■   ■      ██ █▓▓█     ██▓▓▓░▓░
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        ▓██████▓▓█        █████  ■      ▄      ■  ██▓██         █▓▓▓▓▓███░
        ░██▓██████          ███ ■       ▄       ■ ███           ███▓▓▓███░
       ░██▓▓█ ███   ■■       ███                 ███        ■■   ███ █████░
      ▓███▓█       ■  ■ ::..  █                   █   ..:: ■  ■       █████▓
      ░███▓█      ■  █ ■                                  ■ █  ■      █▓███▓
       ▒█████     ■ ▀▀   ────── ────  ──── ──────  ───  ──  ▀▀ ■ ░   █▓▓██░
       ▓░██▓▓█     ■     ██▓███ ██▓█  ████│█▓████│ ▓██│ ██░   ■     █▓▓██░░
         ░░█▓▓█     ■  │█████▓██ ███  ███ │████▓▓│ ██▓│ █▓│  ■     ████▓░
           ░█▓█  ▄░ ■  │▓██░      ██████  │██░     ███│ ██│  ■     █▓█▓
           ▒████    ░  │███│███   ░▓█▓█│  │▓█████│ ██░█ █▓│  ░    █▓██░
           ▓█████   ■  │███│█████ │████│  │██████│ █▓│▓░██│  ■   ██▓██░
            ▒██▓▓   ■  │█▓█░  █▓█ │█▓██│       ▓█│ ██│████│  ■   █▓▓█▓
             ░██▓█  ░  │█████████ │████│  │█▓████│ ▓█│ █▓█│  ░  █▓▓█▓
              ░█▓█  │     ███▓██  │██▓█░  │████▓█░ ██░ ███│  │  ▓▓█▓
              ▒█▓▓█ │     ──────   ────    ──────  ──  ───   │ ████░
              ░██▓█ │ ▄▄ ■.GiVE....YOU..SOMETHiNG...NEW.■ ▄▄ │ ████▓
               ░█▓██ ■█ ■        ▀░▄                     ■ █■ ████▓
                ▓███  ▄■                                  ■▄  ███░
             █▓██░███                                        ███▓█▓██
           ██▓█     █          MGC vBProjets v1.2            █    ██▓██
         ██▓██      █                                        █      ██▓██
       ██▓██   ███ █▓           (c)             ▓█ ███   ██▓██
     ██▓██    ██   █▓█                                      ▓▓█   ██    ██▓██
    █▓██     ██      █  ████▓▓▒░  Release Infomation ░░░    █      ██     ██▓█
   ███      ██      ██                                      ██      ██      █▓█
  ███▓██    █    ████   Supplied by : TEAM GYSN FRiEND       ████    █    ██▓███
        ██      ██     Nullified by : TEAM GYSN                 ██      ██
         ███  ███│      Packaged by : TEAM GYSN                 │███  ███
          │██▓█▓█│                                              │██▓███│
          │██▓▓▓│      Release Date : 11/28/2007                 │█▓▓▓█│
        │███████│       Disk / Size : 01x3.00MB                  │███████│
        │███   ██      Script Genre : Add-On                     ██   ███│
       │███     ███│    Script Type : PHP/MySQL               │█▓█     ███│
       │█▓█ █   █▓▓│   OS / Version : Unix, Linux, WinALL     │███  █  █▓█│
       │█▓█  █   █▓│     Protection : strange stuff!          │█▓  █   █▓█│
       │█▓▓█     ███│                                        │█▓█     █▓▓█│
       │██▓▓█     ██│   ████▓▓▒░      Overview       ░░░     │█▓     █▓▓██│
         ███████  ▓█│                                        │██  ███████
           ████▓████│                                        │█████████
             ███▓██                                            ██▓▓██
                ▓█│                                            │█▓
                ██│ MGC vBProjects is a System of              │██
                ██│ Projects/Tasks Management.                 │██
                ██│                                            │██
                ██│ - vB Projects Options:                     │██
                ██│   - You can choose usergroups who can      │██
                ██│     edit/delete all Projects               │██
                ██│   - Number of Projects per page in the     │██
                ██│     Projects List                          │██
                ██│   - Number of Tasks per page in the        │██
                ██│     Project Description                    │██
                ██│   - Number of Comments per page in the     │██
                ██│     Tasks Description                      │██
                ██│   - Number of Results per Search page      │██
                ██│   - Number of Characters in the Project    │██
                ██│     Description in Results Search          │██
                ██│   - Display Projects in progress in        │██
                ██│     Members Profile                        │██
                ██│   - Enable/Disable Informations in         │██
                ██│     Members Profile                        │██
                ██│   - Number of of elements which are        │██
                ██│     displayed for each dteailed statistic  │██
                ██│                                            │██
                ██│ - Usergroups Permissions:                  │██
                ██│   - Can see Projects                       │██
                ██│   - Can create Projects                    │██
                ██│   - Can take part in Projects              │██
                ██│   - Can see Comments                       │██
                ██│   - Can add Comments                       │██
                ██│   - Can edit/delete his Comments           │██
                ██│                                            │██
                ██│ - Creation of a Project by a Project       │██
                ██│   Leader (Usergroup can create projects)   │██
                ██│   with these informations:                 │██
                ██│   - Title                                  │██
                ██│   - Status                                 │██
                ██│   - Priority                               │██
                ██│   - Members of the Project                 │██
                ██│   - Description                            │██
                ██│   When a Project is created, it can be     │██
                ██│   edited or deleted by the Leader of the   │██
                ██│   Project or by a user who can             │██
                ██│   edit/delete all Projects (vBulletin      │██
                ██│   Options).                                │██
                ██│   The Project progress is a function of    │██
                ██│   the progress of the tasks their          │██
                ██│   priorities.                              │██
                ██│                                            │██
                ██│ - Creation of Tasks in a Project by a      │██
                ██│   Project Leader who created the Project:  │██
                ██│   - Tilte                                  │██
                ██│   - Status                                 │██
                ██│   - Priority                               │██
                ██│   - Progress                               │██
                ██│   - Members for the Task                   │██
                ██│   - Description                            │██
                ██│   When a Task is created, it can be        │██
                ██│   edited by the Project Leader or by a     │██
                ██│   user who can edit/delete all Projects.   │██
                ██│   The Task can be also updated by          │██
                ██│   Members of the Project (Description and  │██
                ██│   Progress).                               │██
                ██│                                            │██
                ██│ - Comments:                                │██
                ██│   - Adding comments by allowed members     │██
                ██│     (Usergroups permissions)               │██
                ██│   - Edit/Delete his comments by a user     │██
                ██│     who can edit/delete (Usergroup         │██
                ██│     Permissions)                           │██
                ██│   - Edit/Delete his comments by a user     │██
                ██│     of usergroups who can edit/delete all  │██
                ██│     Projects                               │██
                ██│                                            │██
                ██│ - Search in Projects by Key Words          │██
                ██│                                            │██
                ██│ - Detailed Statistics:                     │██
                ██│   - X Last Porjects                        │██
                ██│   - X Last Updated Projects                │██
                ██│   - X Last Tasks                           │██
                ██│   - X Last Updated Tasks                   │██
                ██│   - 5 Best Creators                        │██
                ██│   - 5 Best Participants                    │██
                ██│                                            │██
                ██│ - Display in the Member Profile the        │██
                ██│   list of Projects in progress created by  │██
                ██│   the Member and Projects in progress in   │██
                ██│   which this member takes part.            │██
                ██│                                            │██
                ██│  - Usergroup permission to edit/remove     │██
                ██│   all projects (instead of the vbulletin   │██
                ██│   option)                                  │██
                ██│                                            │██
                ██│  - Display of the number of tasks and      │██
                ██│   projects in the forumhome stats (option  │██
                ██│   to enable/disable it)                    │██
                ██│                                            │██
                ██│  - Automatic PM sending when a user is     │██
                ██│   assigned a task                          │██
                ██│                                            │██
                ██│  - Possibility for users to send a         │██
                ██│   problem report for projects and tasks    │██
                ██│                                            │██
                ██│  - Display of the last projects and        │██
                ██│   tasks on the foruhome (option to         │██
                ██│   enable/disable it)                       │██
                ██│                                            │██
                ██│  - Project's leader can specify upon       │██
                ██│   project creation if it's a private       │██
                ██│   project (ie visible only by project's    │██
                ██│   members and vbprojects admins)           │██
                ██│                                            │██
                ██│  - Project's leader can specify upon       │██
                ██│   project creation if project's members    │██
                ██│   can add/edit tasks                       │██
                ██│                                            │██
                ██│  - Management of vBulletin version for     │██
                ██│   editor display (due to changes           │██
                ██│   introduced in the 3.6.8 version)         │██
                ██│                                            │██
                ██│           │██
                ██│                                            │██
                ██│                                            │██
                ██│     ████▓▓▒░    Release Notes    ░░░       │██
                ██│                                            │██
                ██│ 1. Unpack                                  │██
                ██│ 2. Read ...                                │██
                ██│ 2.1 Read Me.html -> English                │██
                ██│ 2.2 Lies mich.html -> German               │██
                ██│ 2.3 Lisez moi !.html -> French             │██
                ██│ 3. Enjoy!                                  │██
                ██│                                            │██
                ██│                                            │██
                ██│ ┌────────────────────────────────────────┐ │██
                ██│ │ GYSN IS A WEB-BASED GROUP AND DOES NOT │ │██
                ██│ │    ALLOW ANYONE TO REDISTRIBUTE OUR    │ │██
                ██│ │     RELEASES OR ANY PARTS OF THEM      │ │██
          ████  ██│ │  IN THE 0DAY SCENE OR OTHER NETWORKS!  │ │██  ████
        ▓▓▓▓███▓██│ └────────────────────────────────────────┘ │██ █████▓█
       █▓██  ▓█▓██│                                            │██▓▓█  █▓▓▓
      ███    ▓▓▓█        ████▓▓▒░    Group Contact    ░░░        ▓▓██    █▓█
     ███   █  ██                                                  ██  █   ▓▓█
   │███  ████                WebHQ :                 ████  █▓█│
   │██   ███▓▓█             E-Mail : [email protected]             █▓▓▓██   ██│
   │██  ██ ██▓▓█               IRC : ask nicely ;)                █▓▓██ ██  ██│
   │███ ██  ██▓▓█                                                ██▓██  ██ ███│
    │██  ██  █▓▓███    ████▓▓▒░  vBulletin Underground  ░░░    ███▓██  ██  ██│
    │███  ███████████                                        █▓█████████  ███│
      ███   █████ █████  Providing the best nulls, hacks,  █▓▓▓█   ▓▓█   ▓▓█
       ███   ██│    █▓▓█   skins and support since 2005!  ████     ██   █▓█
        ███████│     █▓██                                ████      ████▓▓█
         ████│        ████│     Visit:     │████        │████
          ███│         ███│                            │███         │███
       ████             ██│                            │██             ████
      ███               │██│                          │██│  phx^CiP      ███
    │█▓█                │██│                          │██│                ▓▓█│
    │▓█                   █│ ■                      ■ │█                   ▓█│
                           █  ■                    ■  █
                            ■■                      ■■
I'd like to point out this is really quite good. I do NOT like the vB project manager whatsoever and my users seem to be taking to this one quite well.

If you follow the instructions the only thing that is in french is the files, and thus some of the urls, but as long as you are not OCD about urls its no biggie.

This also installs and runs fine on my 3.7 rc2 install. The only hang up I am having is with adding additional users to a project. Always tells me they are not allowed to join.

Aside from that give it a chance. I've seen enough bad reviews about this I might not have tired it but I was desperate.