Man Shot At Teenagers Who Were Toilet Papering His House, Do You Agree With What He Did?

I agree with him shooting the warning one in the air, but he should have left it alone since they were trying to leave.

Kids think they can just do anything they want on other people's property and get away with it.

Edit I would only agree with what he did if say the kids broke into his home. Then, I would do the same thing.

Sue, I'm 22 and I respect people. Don't say only people over 30 respect people, because that's not true.


New Member
No, thats like illegal and teens dont go trick or treating, so what else do they do? Tee=Pee other peoples houses for halloween


New Member
its an over reaction
its just toilet paper and he could have killed them

he should have just shot in the air or to the floor to scare them off


New Member
Sorry, I don't agree with what he did at all and believe that he should be proscecuted. The only time I feel it's acceptable to fire a weapon at a human being is if your own life is in danger. I don't think anyone ever got killed by a roll of Charmin. He should have just called the police and reported it as vandalism. A shotgun? Excessive in my opinion.
Well, if anyone agrees with what he did, they are not right in the head.

It is not worth going to jail for attempted murder just because a couple of punks toilet papered your house.They won.

I would have called the cops.If they wouldn't of helped, I would have started egging them.Beat them at their own game.


New Member
If the man called the police and they were charged with trespassing, then that would have been enough. don't think you even need to ask this question- they were just toilet papering this man's house. There was no break in, there was no guns drawn to kill the owner of the house. This man may have been able to scare them off by just the first gun shot- even though this I don't feel was even necessary. However, to continually shoot at the kids, and then shot the 14 year old boy 5 times. HUGELY EXCESSIVE- and if that boy had died- he would have been charged with murder.


New Member
It isn't unreasonable to think that after being awakened to loud noises at 1 in the morning you might not be thinking as clearly as you would at 1 in the afternoon. Although I personally believe that it isn't right to shoot as someone unless they are actually IN your home, I can totally see someone jumping to that decision. It is unfortunate that someone was hurt, but if those people weren't there committing several crimes (vandalism, trespassing, delinquency, and disturbing the peace) none of this would have happened. We want to think of the teen as the victim here, and of course we never think someone deserves to be shot because of some stupid prank, but frankly his bad choices led to this. Also, I want to point out that all of this was done in the company of two adults. I find it deplorable that grown men would encourage kids to behave this way when they should know better.

I certainly hope the homeowner doesn't see jail time over this. He made a really bad judgment call, but he was using the best thinking he could at the time...he didn't know who these people were or what they were doing till after the fact. I do think he should be barred from owning guns in the future, though.