Make a div appear after another is hovered over


New Member
I am trying to make a box appear when the user hovers over a separate box. I am having trouble getting it to work.Here is the html\[code\]<div class="division_left" id="account"> <div class="container"></div> <span>Account</span></div>\[/code\]and here is the css\[code\]#account:hover + .container {visibility: visible;}.container { position: absolute; visibility: hidden; height: 300px; width: 500px; bottom: 40px; left: 40px; background-color: #fff; border: 1px solid #000;}\[/code\]again I am trying to get the \[code\]container\[/code\] to show when \[code\]#account\[/code\] is hovered over. It just is not showing up. Thanks in advance!