Looking for free UPLOAD script


New Member
i am looking for a FREE Php Upload script where someone can upload a file without even registering. then there will be a page where everyone can see all the uploaded files. its a non-registering script. and also when someone uploads they will put a description and their name and email. thanks all!
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As i said in my original post site seems to be down today.

Just thought.....Try here thay have a cool upload script


It can be found in the Team DEViANT Releases forum,

You will have to signup to get the script so please add me as a referer!
hoxxy said:
As i said in my original post site seems to be down today.

Just thought.....Try here thay have a cool upload script


It can be found in the Team DEViANT Releases forum,

You will have to signup to get the script so please add me as a referer!

Thank You

But I did not find what I want
galaxyscripts.com is back up.
They went down due to changing forum software they are now using vB, They have still got a few bugs to sort out but other than that there back

This Mega File Hosting Script

Hope it useful..

First, unzip the zip file to your PC.

Then upload the entire contents of the 'upload/' folder to your web server.
upload these files in binary mode:
admin_img.php, admin_user.php, admin_points.php, admin_dlhistory.php, admin_dlsessions.php

Note:checking warning for upload+ACE-

When this is done, point your browser at http://www.example.com/install/index.php and follow the install GUI to make installation.
afiqnaruto said:
This Mega File Hosting Script

Hope it useful..

First, unzip the zip file to your PC.

Then upload the entire contents of the 'upload/' folder to your web server.
upload these files in binary mode:
admin_img.php, admin_user.php, admin_points.php, admin_dlhistory.php, admin_dlsessions.php

Note:checking warning for upload+ACE-

When this is done, point your browser at http://www.example.com/install/index.php and follow the install GUI to make installation.

thanx man
i will try it