Login Page 'if' Display something in HTML


New Member
Im kind of new in here. I am creating a login page in HTML with Javascript Elements.Basically I have a login form. and if credentials are wrong I want it to show an alert in HTML which another Javascript manages. Anyway I have setup a test page here As you can see when you input the wrong credentials it will display an alert. But I want it to perform an action in HTML? (This is so hard to describe)\[code\]<div class="notification error">\[/code\] That is the code in HTML which will show that red box you see up the top & I will add text later.Here's the Login form:\[code\]else {$('.notification-detials')}return true;}// End -->\[/code\]Maybe I've done something wrong there? But here's the code of the Js which manages the Notifications and other stuff...Sorry if this is a noobie question :pBtw, when the notification is complete it would be cool for the code to be something like:\[code\]<div class="notification error"><h1> Error </h1><p> You're details were entered incorrectly. Please try again <p> </div>\[/code\]Please ask if any of this don't make sense! :), be nice it's my first time coding :p