Links from IBM developerWorks on XML


New Member
Maybe some of you might be interested in checking what is available on XML and some other stuff on the developerWorks site. Here there are some links, just in case you fancy checking them out.

XML 1.1 and Namespaces 1.1 revealed
In this article, software engineer Arnaud Le Hors explains what XML 1.1 and Namespaces 1.1 are about, what changes they bring, and how they affect other specs and users.
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Practical data binding: Looking into JAXB, Part 1
Round-tripping and XML-to-Java translation
In the last installment, the author examined several important concepts in data binding, including round-tripping and semantic equivalence. In this article, he looks at Sun's JAXB architecture and implementation in light of these terms. You'll learn how JAXB handles class generation, and how that affects the XML input and output accepted by the API.
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Tip: Use data dictionary links for XML and Web services schemata
When designing XML and Web services schemata you will often (and ideally) reuse data elements defined in pre-existing standards. When you do, it is extremely useful to include links to such standards, providing precise data dictionary references. In so doing, you make processing and maintenance easier to automate. This tip illustrates this practice.
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