I am using this cookie redirect script:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://javascript.internet.com/cookies/cookie-redirect.html">http://javascript.internet.com/cookies/ ... irect.html</a><!-- m -->
But instead of utilizing a form to select, how can I use a link? For example, one of sample options is 'Cat' and links to 'cat.html' page. I want to, instead, create a link that links to that page and at the same time records the user's option of choosing that page so when he returns next time, he will be brought back automatically at 'cat.html'.
I assumed that copying the event handler "onClick..." in the "<a href..." would work, but it didnt. Is it possible? Thanks!!
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://javascript.internet.com/cookies/cookie-redirect.html">http://javascript.internet.com/cookies/ ... irect.html</a><!-- m -->
But instead of utilizing a form to select, how can I use a link? For example, one of sample options is 'Cat' and links to 'cat.html' page. I want to, instead, create a link that links to that page and at the same time records the user's option of choosing that page so when he returns next time, he will be brought back automatically at 'cat.html'.
I assumed that copying the event handler "onClick..." in the "<a href..." would work, but it didnt. Is it possible? Thanks!!