Keyword Density

Does it make a difference to have 300 words of copy with a 6% keyword density or 1500 words of copy with 6% density....or does 6% = 6%I think that belongs in a different post...but I'd also be interested in knowing the answer It certainly does...but I could find a topic on keyword density....maybe we could creat one....and use that as a starting point.... I just split this into a new topic on Keyword Density.I know I remember reading several times where you shouldn't have more than 250 keywords. My recollection is that you should most definately avoid repeating words. Engines frown on that. I seem to recall also reading where commas between keywords isn't necessary, i.e. just leave a space. I think I remember that from know it has been stated multiple times in multiple posts here that if you have good content in your site, Google will rank that higher than if you try to tweak it with redundant keywords in your meta tags.Just to be a bit clearer on the subject. I'm not intending to put 300 keywords into my copy. My copy would be 300 words total with 18 of those being keywords. Or I could write 1500 words and have 90 of those be my keyword or phrase. Although the 250 keyword limit is interesting. I will keep that in mind if I decide to go crazy and write 5000 words of copy. My reason for asking is that I have 1500 words of copy and can't decide if I should split them among a few pages and have the user navigate deeper into the site or if I should make one long page with the 1500 words of copy.I would suggest, and I suspect others here will too...don't be concerned about any ratios of keywords to content. Design your site for your audience and, if it is "content rich", it will be in your favor. As far as how much to put on a particular page? Talk to your client and come to a good user-friendly decision.Can you define content rich? I belived it to be relevant to the keywords that I would like to found under. If I'm selling red rubber balls and I don't mention the phrase red rubber balls in my copy I would not be found under that search term. I could spend hours writing about how well they bounce and their smooth texture and their pretty color...which might make for interesting reading but no one would ever find my site to read about them. I have read that search engines are in favor of 3% - 7% keyword density...anything above that could be considered spam.I have had tons of feedback from this place I designed -- all positive regarding content. I think I have maybe 3 - 5 graphics/flash banners per page, but he gets a ton of hits, lot's of positive feedback and money. It's a fairly simple design and not overly impressive to a creative designer, but it still works for the intent:http://dpmcusa.comI like your use of that an action script that creates the lettering affect or do you render them as individual layers....or somethings else?You should cut your 1500 words into 3 pages.In the book 'Google Hacks', which was written with the google engineering team, they have a breakdown how to build a google friendly site. The following point is the only place they mention length. Quote:thanks...I will try that and post back some results....
Keyword density is the percentage of times a keyword or a word appear in the webpage to the total number of words in that webpage. It should be 3-4% in an content.
Generally keyword density is the white hat SEO technique in which you put how much percentage of keywords put in your web page or in website.
Keyword density tools also make it extremely easy to identify the search terms that your competitors are using on their pages, and more importantly the search terms they are targeting.
Keyword Density means particular keyword how many time you put on Single Web page. You dont use single keyword more than three time on single page.
Keyword density is the percentage of times a keyword or keyword phrase is found in your page content amidst all the other content. For example, if you have a Web page with exactly 100 words on it including all headlines, captions, alt text, and advertising, and you have a keyword phrase that is on the page 3 times, your keyword density is 3%:
Keyword Density means the number of times keyword or keyphrase used in the content. Well, keyword density plays a vital role in any type of content placed or submit in the site.
Keyword density means,the number of times a keyword or a phrase presents in a webpage compared to the total number of word present in that page.