John From vbskinworks In Hospital


New Member
Arh Poor Johns In Hospital What A Shame No More Skins lmao

John is in the hospital! John is in the hospital. He went to the ER yesterday morning with what we were certain was appendicitis. The doctors believe it is Crones disease and they also think he has a perforation in his colon or small intestine so he is on IV antibiotics for the next 48 hours, no food or drink, and they will decide then if they are going to have to do surgery...please bear with us till John is back on his feet. I am trying to figure this system out so I can process orders but there may be a delay.
ya if he was n good position, there might be one good skin for this christmas which i am planning to buy. disapp :(
this is old.. he recovered and than sold vbskinworks to someone else... He's out of the business now.
To be fair, the onset of Crohn's disease can happen to anyone at any time and once a person is diagnosed with the serious condition, there's no going back, because you have it for life, that is until the medical world come up with a cure for it. The best a person can expect, is to have periods of remission with few or no symptoms that will affect their daily routines in life.
Otherwise, it's a 'shitty' life of grumbling belly aches, once diagnosed.